วันศุกร์ที่ 6 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555

How to make an indoor composting bin

On Wednesday, The Scrap Exchange, a nonprofit creative reuse center, hosted a Vermi-composting workshop. Here are the steps for making your own indoor composting bin.

Post Tension Slab

วันพุธที่ 4 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555

Streaming media to the PS3

This is a how to guide to streaming your media to your PS3 using a 64-bit OS version on Window's 7 Home Premium, here's the guide in text form (Note, this guide only works with windows7) step 1 (PS3): go to Settings on the XMB and under settings, go to Network settings step 2 (PS3): under Network settings, go to Media Server Connection, if its disable, press X and enable it Now to the PC Step 1 (PC): go to the start button and type in HomeGroup step 2: Follow the instructions for setting up HomeGroup step 3: Once the HomeGroup setup is done, check off whichever you want the PS3 to see (Photo's, Music or Video's), then check off "Share media with devices" to enable the feature. To make sure that your PS3 is seeing your PS3, click on "Choose media streaming options" and where it say's "Show devices on" click on the arrow and click on "All networks", if a device named Unknown Device is shown in the list, then your PC is seeing your PS3. Save your changes and close HomeGroup. Advance settings (Warning, use this part of the guide in case your PS3 is still not seeing your media server, I am not responsible if you mess up your computer by using these next steps) Step 1 (PC): If your PS3 still can't see your Media Server, then that means that a service is not configured properly, so go to start and type in "Services" and click on the one with the gears icon. Step 2:Once the Services box comes up, scroll all the way down till you see "Window's media player sharing service" (expand ...

Post Tension Slab

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

วันจันทร์ที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Signs That Say He's Just Not Into You - How to Spot Mr Wrong So You Can Make Room for Mr Right

Every woman has had her eye on or dated the type of guy I'm talking about here. You are never really sure where you stand with him or what his interest level really is. Call him Mr. Flake, Mr. Player, Mr. Self Absorbed or Mr. Afraid of Commitment. Whatever his romantic style, it's just leaving you confused, frustrated and wondering what's really going on in his mind. So, let's spotlight the warning signs to look out for when a guy simply is not that into you or playing you.

The Physical Signs
He'll avoid eye contact, his body is positioned away from you, his arms are folded tightly over his chest, he does not encourage conversation or volunteers anything about himself. He maintains his distance.

The Emotional Signs
You've been dating for at least 6 months. He still can't say he loves you or wants to talk about his feelings in regards to you. If you have a guy who is constantly telling you that he does not love you, is not in love with you, is not sure how he feels and does not see a future with you after the 6 month mark, believe him. I feel that is a good marker of time for him to know where he sees this going and if he is developing strong feelings for you or loves you. When a guy is into you, he'll want to let you know how he feels when he is sure that you feel the same way. If he can't do that, start re-assessing what you are still doing with him.

He Ignores or Shows You Disrespect
If he is ignoring you or disrespects you by putting down your values, thoughts and ideas, he's just not interested in you or in a relationship with you. Don't waste your time on a guy who does that and focus your attention on a guy who focuses on you.

He Shoots Down Your Social Invitations
This should be a clear sign to about 99% of women out there that he's not interested in getting to know you better or pursuing anything further. Trust me ladies, the first time he declines your offer to hang out you could give him the benefit of the doubt. But when it's many times in a row, he's usually not that busy, he just doesn't want to see you and is trying to be nice about it. If a guy is interested, he'll be happy to schedule a rain check or follow up with an invitation of his own. He's never too busy to make time for someone he really wants to have in his life.

Mr. Player aka The Honeymooner
I call this guy the honeymooner because of how long things remain fabulous while dating this guy. The first few weeks or month is sheer bliss. This guy starts off real aggressive, hot and heavy. He can't see you often enough, calls all the time and declares his love for you early on. He's so romantic, thoughtful and attentive that you think you've hit the love jackpot and won. He woos you with promises of a happy future together, taking you to great hotspots, cooking you dinner, and being that great listener who wants to share your hopes and dreams. You think he seems too good to be true. Well, he is. This guy is a classic neophiliac. He loves the thrill of the chase, and is enamored with the novelty of you. Once that has worn off and he has gotten what he wants, he sets his sights on the next pretty girl. How to protect yourself from this guy? Don't fall for the lines and behavior right away. Take your time before investing your heart and proceed slowly. Make sure that he means what he says. And the best way to do that is to let time be your guide. Usually these guys don't want to put in the work to develop anything long term so you'll know in a short period of time if his words mean anything.

Mr. Flake
This one is characterized by constantly flaking out on you at the last minute. If a guy stands you up, blows you off or shows up late, he does not have respect for your time and plans. Bottom line, he does not respect you and does not care whether or not you are in his life.

Mr. Afraid of Commitment
You go on a great couple of dates, things are going wonderfully, you feel the chemistry, you click on so many different levels and then you never hear from him again. He's never able to discuss his feelings or freaks out and distances himself when you express how your feelings for him have grown. He's truly afraid of intimacy and what follows with it. So, you try not to pressure him and accept the flow of things because you think maybe if you give him time he'll come around and choose you. You may be involved with a guy who falls in this category for months or even years and whenever the subject of a future pops up, he asks you what's the rush, says he's not ready, he needs more time, etc. Whatever his excuse for not committing, it's tying you to a relationship that has hit a brick wall. It either moves forward or it does not. It's his right to stay in limbo but it's also your right not to have to wait around for him to commit. You can move on or at least date others in the interim until he does figure out what he wants. He may never figure it out or choose you but at least you aren't wasting good dating years on an emotionally stunted and unavailable guy. Some men just can't commit, are players, have fears of commitment due to bad past relationships, want to remain bachelors, or like you but not enough to choose you for a committed, long lasting relationship. If only we could tap into the mind of his therapist for his reasons for pushing away many good women who have loved him. But, the real deal is, when a guy is head over heels for a woman and loves her fully, he does not want to lose her and would rather step to the plate and commit than risk her walking out of his life. If he's willing to watch you walk away, you know it's time to kick him to the curb and keep on stepping.

Mr. Taken
Whether this guy is involved in another relationship with a girlfriend or wife, he should be off limits. Yet so many women are lured by the seduction of his words and think he'll eventually dump the other woman and choose them. They are told the other woman is a witch, mean, does not understand them, is psycho and won't leave him alone. Or, he says to you that their relationship has a lot of problems, they fight constantly, he is no longer sleeping with the girlfriend or wife, he's staying only for financial reasons or the children. The best lie of all: he's planning on divorcing or leaving his wife or girlfriend very soon, just be patient. Now, months or years are passing by and his promises are not worth the paper they were written on. Women are natural nurturers and they want to take care of other people. Many feel that they can prove that with affection, attention and caring that they are different than the other person in his life and that is what he really needs. They believe his lies. A relationship based on a deception is not one that can have a real future because if he can cheat or lie to someone else to be with you, he can also do the same thing to you in the future.

If you fool yourself into believing you are special and the exception, then you are living in a fantasy world. And the only happy ending that can come from living in an alternate reality is creating a relationship with a guy who never existed in the first place. If he truly cared about you, he'd end his other relationship before beginning one with you. Best way to avoid this scenario? Tell him to contact you once he's ended his other relationship and not a day before. And, stick to that. Don't be afraid to tell him that if he continues to contact you that you will tell his girlfriend or wife about the two of you. That fear is enough to make most taken guys run for the hills. If you find out later in the relationship that he is not single like he claimed, end it immediately and don't look back. It's called dating with integrity. If you can't end it on your own or he keeps trying to draw you back in with false promises, seek the help of a therapist to regain your strength and courage to end a toxic relationship that will only erode your self-esteem, confidence and self love. When you allow yourself to enter a relationship based on a deception where you are not his main priority, you are setting yourself up for being used. He's not into you, he's just into how he can use you to give him what he is not getting at home from the girlfriend or wife.

You Never See Him More Than a Few Days in Advance
This means he is trying to keep his schedule open in case something better comes along. The classic MO of a player. A guy who's really into you will want to keep you off the market a week to 2 weeks in advance because he can tell you're a great catch and does not want anyone else to occupy your time. If he's never available on the weekends or occasions that are reserved as date nights, know you're just a passing phase or flavor of the moment.

He Only Comes to See You Late at Night
Ah, the definition of a booty call: the guy who is too busy to see you during daylight hours but has time to swing by for a quick hook up. Unless he's a workaholic that only gets out of work at midnight, don't fall for it. Even then, he can still afford to take you out during his day off or on the weekend. If you are not seeing a guy who works crazy hours and it's just the time he sets aside to see you, then be forewarned that you have a booty call pattern on your hands. It's a way for him to get his sexual needs met and not commit to a real boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. You deserve to be taken out properly to restaurants, movies, and shows. You didn't sign up to be kept in the closet. So, make sure you let him know that by not accepting meetings that only occur behind closed doors in the A.M.

Friends with Benefits
A step up from the booty call based relationship but still not what most women want when they get involved with a guy they see a future with. A friends with benefits relationship is when
you both agree to be sex buddies with no strings attached and can both see or date other people. If you are looking for a serious relationship, don't accept or settle for this type of arrangement. He's just keeping his options open and eyes peeled for the right woman, while using you for a fun romp in the sack. He's letting you know clearly that you are not the "one" but instead are Ms. Right now until someone better comes along. Also, it's very rare that a friends with benefits arrangement does not lead to one person walking away hurt because one person always develops stronger feelings and wants to change the relationship dynamics. Why settle for a regular hook up when you can hold out for a guy who is sure about you and wants you around exclusively?

You Never Meet His Friends or Family
Some guys will wait at least 6 months or more of dating to make sure that you are someone special before letting his entourage meet you. If a guy is serious about you, he'll want everyone to know about you and will have no problem introducing you to his friends, coworkers and family. If you watch the calendar months go by and this still has not happened, you are being kept a secret and you have to wonder why. Is he really single or is he still unsure about your future together? You owe it to yourself to find out what's going on.

He Does Not Call You Back the Same Day or Answers His Phone When You Call
When a guy is really into you, he does not screen his calls for your number. He'll pick up on the first ring or call you back within hours. When you see a pattern of days going by without a return phone call, you are not high on his priority list. Basically, you are being avoided. Another sign of a player or guy who is not invested in your relationship is one who never answers the phone in your presence. If you see his phone constantly on vibrate or you visit his place and his answering machine is set to low volume or mute, he's definitely still playing the field and chatting up new women.

Internet Communication Siberia
Before, he used to spend hours chatting with you online and writing you great emails. Now you realize that not only are you blocked from his buddy list but he also does not respond to your emails. Enough said.

He's Hitting On or Hooking Up with Other Women
If you've been seeing a guy for a little while and you are hearing rumors or catching him hooking up with other women or still maintaining inappropriate contact with exes, then you know he's not ready to settle down and choose you. If he's also hitting on your friends or asking you if your friend is available to go out with him, it's a surefire way to know without a shadow of a doubt that he's not interested in being with you.

He Disappears for Days, Weeks or Months at a Time
This sign is usually self-explanatory but I cannot begin to tell you how many readers of my advice column find themselves in this predicament and think that he still is invested in their relationship and cares about them. Any guy that does not make time for you and pulls a disappearing act on you is not that into you, is seeing other people or is not ready to commit to one person. So, if you find yourself dealing with a guy who comes and goes from your life without a word, give him the boot once and for all and don't look back. Your time and energy is better spent on a guy who wants to stick around and be a part of your life.

You Are Never Invited Over to His Place
Either he is living with someone or is not invested in a relationship with you. Any guy who is interested in a woman will bring her over to his place so she can see his private sanctuary away from the daily grind.

He Never Discusses Your Future or Makes Vacation Plans
Every guy has a life before meeting you. They schedule trips with their buddies, have guys nights out and are living the bachelor life. When a relationship is getting serious and has a future or is getting serious, he'll start talking about the things he wants to do with you, places to go together and makes plans to manifest those dreams. His buddies take up less of his time and he'll put you on center stage. If he does not even bring up future plans or where he sees your relationship headed, realize that this may just be a seasonal romance.

He Encourages You to Date Other People
If he encourages you to date others and not wait around for him, it's because he does not see a future with you and wants to be free to date others as well.

He Does Not Share in the Dating Expenses
If you are the one footing the bill for all of your events and outings, the guy is only into you for what he can get out of you.

He Does Not Remember or Celebrate the Events or Dates that Matter to You
Some guys really do have a bad memory but if it's important to you, he will make a real effort to remember the big moments. They'll do whatever it takes: post it notes, birthday alarms, etc to make sure not to forget. When he does not take the time to acknowledge and celebrate your birthday, anniversary or a major event in your relationship with a gift, a call, flowers or even candy, it shows that he is just not into you. No one says he has to shell out a lot of clams to make the day special but the planning and effort to do what is within his budget and time is what counts. It's all about creativity!

Silent Treatment
The king of all signs is the silent treatment. It begins by pulling away slowly, by emotionally or physically withdrawing from the relationship. When a guy is just not interested in a future, he stops calling (if he ever called at all), changes his phone number, the visits become less and less frequent, and emotionally he has already packed his bags and booked the flight to singlesville.

If you are recognizing many of these symptoms in your guy, it's time to move on. Actions speak louder than words. If he's just not putting in the effort he used to to make your relationship work, it's time to sit up and take notice. When a guy is telling you with his words that he's not interested or ready for what you need and showing you in his actions that you are not his top priority, don't ignore the message. Hold your head up high and keep moving forward with your life, without him. Time is so precious and time waits for no one. Once it's lost, we cannot get it back. So make sure you are giving your time to men who are worth the investment. At the end of the day, it's about finding a love match that treats you right and wants to spend quality time with you. When you settle for less than that and waste your time on Mr. Wrong, you are selling yourself short on what you deserve.

Post Tension Slab

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

How to Do an Inversion Table Workout : Decompressing the Spine with an Inversion Table Workout

Learn how to decompress the spine with an inversion table workout with expert tips and advice on exercise from a fitness expert in this free health and fitness video. Expert: Dr. Edward Riffel Bio: Dr. Edward Riffel is the owner of Riffel chiropractic fitness center. Filmmaker: Patrick Eaves

Post Tension Slab

วันจันทร์ที่ 19 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

10 Crucial and Surprising Steps to Build Trust in a Relationship

1. Be predictable. When do seeds of suspicion emerge? When one begins to think, What's up? Why is he doing that? He's never done that before. That is so unlike him. He loses 30 pounds, buys a new wardrobe and comes home late from work. He changes his patterns. His behavior becomes unpredictable. You get the picture? Any movement away from predictable behavior can become suspect and trust can deteriorate. Focus on acting predictably if you need to build trust. Be consistent in what you do. This doesn't mean you must be boring. If there is a twinkle in your eye and a dose of spontaneity every so often, for goodness sakes be spontaneous and fun loving. But, be spontaneous consistently! Be true to who you have always been and be that consistently, whoever you tend to be!

2. Inform your significant other when you become "unpredictable." No one goes through life the same person. We all make shifts and changes. Frankly sometimes we may be fairly clueless about what is happening and where we are going. Those times may be very intense and we do some silly things or make some downright dumb decisions. Life can get very squirrelly and unpredictable. (I have a favorite phrase: Gold is refined through intense heat.) Growth in an individual, marriage or family often is accompanied by a little chaos. Welcome these shifts, for there is a part of you searching for something better/different/richer/deeper, but for heaven's sake, inform your partner of what you are experiencing. Say, "I really don't know what is going on in me right now, but I'm moving in a different direction. Be a little patient with me while I figure this out. I might do some silly things, but my intent is not to harm you or scare you. Accept some of my wondering and wandering and please be there for me? I may need to run some of this by you every so often!"

3. Make sure your words match the message. Mean what you say and say what you mean. When your partner hears one thing in your words but your tone of voice, body language and facial expressions are really saying something else, you open the relationship to some crazy making days. Which message is she to believe? This can waste a tremendous amount of energy and she learns not to trust part of what you are saying. Here's a very simple but common example. You are getting ready to go to a formal dinner. Your wife comes to you and says, "How do I look?" (And she's wearing a dress you don't particularly like and her hair is pulled back in a way that turns you off.) Not to spoil the evening you enthusiastically say, "You look great." You don't really mean it and a part of her knows you really don't mean it. But, you leave it at that. This might not seem like a big deal - we all have done something similar - but if trust is shaky to begin with, it is even shakier now. Here's how to match the words with the nonverbal: "I think you are a beautiful person. I want you to know that. I love you dearly and it will be wonderful to have you by my side tonight. Others will see your beauty. (As you say this, you look into her eyes as you put your hands around her waist.) She's not concerned so much with how she looks but is expressing a need for affirmation. She's not talking about her dress or hair, but about wanting to know the evening is going to go just fine. You respond to the real message. You can take this one step further, if you like. At some point you might bring up her need for affirmation and talk about that. Ask her is there is anything you can say or do so that need is met. Trust is awareness of the intent beneath the obvious message and responding to that!

4. Believe the other person is competent. I hear this phrase very often: "But, I don't want to hurt him." A couple things are at play here. First, she may not have the skill of confronting the other with the truth in a way that brings reconciliation and understanding. She believes truth telling is destructive or entails some sort of drama. Neither is true. The truth is never destructive and can be conveyed in loving ways. (With that said, what we believe to be the truth may indeed be a distorted perception that fits our personal needs.) Or, she may see the other person as a wimp; someone she believes cannot handle rigorous personal confrontation. She doesn't trust that the other person has the internal strength or stamina or skills to be in a relationship of mutual respect and equality. The other person picks up on this mistrust and does what he does (feigns inadequacy and incompetence) to avoid the personal confrontation as well. A dance is acted out. Believe and know in your heart that the other person, somewhere and somehow, beneath the games, has the internal strength and capacity to handle anything. Such trust builds trust in the other person and begins to pervade the relationship. "Hey, she thinks I can handle this! Hmmmm, this is mighty good! I CAN engage her and be truly intimate!"

5. Be very very careful of keeping secrets. If he knows there is an elephant in the room and doesn't talk about it, the elephant takes up tremendous space in the relationship. It takes energy for him to walk around it. She may not see the elephant but knows he is bending his neck to look around something. She will be curious, mildly disturbed, have feelings but no words to wrap around them, might wonder if something is wrong with her or struggle with trusting her intuition (her intuition KNOWS an elephant is there.) And, when we can't trust the messages that come from within us, we find it very difficult to trust the messages of the other person. Secrets demand tremendous energy and erode trust. The relationship is doomed never to experience wall-banging intimacy. This is why extramarital affairs are so damaging. She is not so much concerned about him having sex with someone else as she is about the betrayal, lack of trust, the secrets and deception that are crazy making and energy draining. Now, please. I'm not saying that you sit your partner down and divulge the 23 secrets of your illicit past behaviors. If you have resolved those, i.e. forgiven yourself, understand those behaviors, learned from them and were able to use them to make the internal shifts necessary for your personal development, they do not qualify as an elephant. Hopefully, in the course of growing intimacy in your relationship you may want to share some of those events as you disclose to your partner where you were and where you are now. You do so without emotional charge. However, if a secret takes up room, i.e. still has an emotional charge and holds you back from disclosing more and more of yourself in the growing stages of intimacy, you have a problem that needs to be addressed with your partner.

6. Let YOUR needs be known - loudly. Be a little - no, be a lot - self-centered. (Be self-centered, but not selfish!) Here's a problem I run into almost every day. He is backing away (perhaps attached to work, another person, etc.). She feels the trust and intimacy eroding, is scared and wants to "win him back." So she begins an all out effort to "work on the marriage." She invites him to do so as well. He may reluctantly agree. She blasts full throttle ahead trying to "be nice" and meet every need he ever said he had. She's going to "fill his tank with goodies." Doesn't work. Her eyes are riveted on him. He feels "smothered" or maybe even resentful: "Why is she doing this NOW!" She's hopeful, but eventually that turns to resentment. Her underlying motive - if I meet his needs, he will feel good and meet mine - just doesn't work. It's perceived as manipulation, which it is. Of course, he doesn't say anything. After all, how do you get angry with someone who is so "nice and caring?" Trust disintegrates under a blanket of quiet niceties. Start with your eyes focused on YOU. What do YOU need? Explore your personal need system. Dig beneath the surface. And then say to him: "I need...x, y and z. I would like to talk to you about them. I would like us to work out a way so my needs are met. Are you open to that?" He is empowered to say yes or no. Or, he may say, "What about my needs?" You respond, "I am very interested in hearing what is important to you, certainly." Have you ever been around someone who stated clearly what they needed/wanted? Didn't you respect that person? Because you knew where he stood, and therefore where you stood, didn't that interaction move toward a trusting relationship?

7. State who YOU are - loudly. It is very sad to see those in relationships of emotional investment hold back from letting the other person know who they really are. You build trust in a relationship by entrusting your SELF to the other person. This sounds easy but I find it difficult for most to pull off. Most of us have a difficult time declaring our SELF. For one thing, if you're like most of us, you haven't given much thought to what it is that makes YOU truly YOU. Don't you feel like you glide through life on autopilot, focusing on tasks, goals, accomplishments, problems and the external realities? Don't you tend to focus on those things out there or that person out there? You're concerned about what he is thinking, how he is responding to you, whether he likes you, whether he will be an obstacle and where he will fit in your life? Your conversations may be pleasant but fairly superficial and bluntly, boringly inane. You converse about things/relationships/events out there. You are reluctant to share your thoughts, values, and impressions or take a stand. This doesn't destroy trust. But it doesn't create it either. And, if you do take a stand it may serve the purpose of protecting you or entrenching you as you react against someone. This more often than not creates trust barriers. Take some time to reflect on your standards. What are your standards for a relationship? What standards do you hold for yourself? What do you order your life around? What are the 4 top values in your life? What are some themes that you live by? What are you known for? And then...begin letting significant people in your life know. They will respect you. They will know you more deeply. They will thank you for the opportunity to know you. They will see you as a person of character. They will trust you. They can count on you. They know exactly what is behind and within you.

8. Learn to say NO! Sometimes you need to say NO! Often it is crucial to say NO! Saying NO sets boundaries around you that protects you from being hurt or venturing into territory that will be destructive to your heart and soul. You draw a line. You stop tolerating that which drains energy and makes you less than YOU. You refuse to allow the destructive behaviors of others to destroy you. You build a moat around the core of your life. You do this by informing the other person of what they are doing. You request they stop. If they don't stop, you demand they stop. If they don't stop you walk away without a snide remark, eye-roll or comment. To some this seems harsh, but saying NO is RESPECTED. Fear is the basis of mistrust. If you fear that someone will hurt you and believe you have no recourse but to endure that hurt, fear will prevail. How can you trust when you are in fear? Saying NO, protecting yourself, sends a message to the other person that you will not live in fear. This usually triggers a response of respect from the other person. After all, if you can protect yourself and refuse subjugation to that which is destructive, will not the other person come to trust you and see you as a person who just might protect him/her from harm as well?

9. Charge Neutral. When your significant other expresses something powerfully, charge neutral. Most of us are afraid of strong feelings or points of contention in a relationship. I commonly hear people respond by defending themselves (to a perceived attack), explaining themselves, counter-attacking, shutting down, or walking away. Of course, the relationship remains stuck in this quagmire of mistrust and fear. Rather than reacting and having your feelings flowing all over the place or shutting down, practice charging neutral. Communicate calmness, not only in your tone of voice but also in how you carry your body. Don't speak with a charge to your voice. Control your voice! Say what you must say, state the truth and do it directly and calmly. You can do this, once you master your fears. It will dramatically change the flow of the relationship. You will be able to point out something big, without making a big deal out of it. You will be in control of you. This not only feels great, but your partner trusts that you won't fly or fall apart. You will experience your personal power. This makes you very attractive. Don't people really trust someone who knows their personal power and how to use it for the welfare of themselves and others? Your partner will love the fact that she can trust you consistently to operate from your "quiet center," remain engaged, not back down and speak the truth with conviction and calmness.

10. Dig into the dirt. Relationships of emotional investment, by their nature, bring trials, tribulations, fears, chaos, turmoil, change, stretching and growth. They become the grist from which your life is shaped and formed. Be fearless when faced with turmoil, upset, crisis, questions, and fears. When the time is right, seek them out. Move toward the frightening unknown. Dig into the dirt of your relationship and uncover the treasures. Do you really TRUST that this can happen? The purpose of your relationship is not to make you happy. Do you realize this? Happiness may be an outcome, but your other is given to you to move you to where you really want to be. Obstacles, trials and moments of pain are given as lessons on which you intentionally write the script of your life individually and together. Embrace the difficult. Trust that in this embracing you will find more of your true self. Trust that you are given the resources and capacity to face what you and your significant other are to face. Once you are able to believe and trust these ultimate purposes, trusting your significant other will be that much more easy.

Post Tension Slab

วันเสาร์ที่ 17 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

9/11 Debris: Investigation of Ground Zero, Pt. 1

What happened to the Twin Towers? Evidence for extreme ruin: 911conspiracy.wordpress.com At Fresh Kills Landfill, debris sorting site, NYPD Deputy Inspector and lead investigator on-site (working with FBI), James Luongo, when asked if there were one particular artifact of interest, replied: "I think the lack of artifacts stands out to me quite a bit. I think the fact that I haven't seen a door, I haven't seen a phone, I haven't seen a computer. I haven't seen a doorknob. I think that stands out." - "Relics from the Rubble" This misunderstood pulverization and melting was the consequence of something other than gravity and jet fuel, it would seem. Demolition. quote: "In no instance did NIST report that steel in the WTC towers melted due to the fires. The melting point of steel is about 1500 degrees Celsius (2800 degrees Fahrenheit). Normal building fires and hydrocarbon (eg, jet fuel) fires generate temperatures up to about 1100 degrees Celsius (2000 degrees Fahrenheit). NIST reported maximum upper layer air temperatures of about 1000 degrees Celsius (1800 degrees Fahrenheit) in the WTC towers (for example, see NCSTAR 1, Figure 6-36)." -wtc.nist.gov John Gross of NIST and other molten metal clips: www.youtube.com Witness accounts and WTC "collapse" videos: www.911conspiracy.tv quote: "Think of the thousands of file cabinets, computers, and telephones in those towers - I never saw one - everything was pulverized,' he said. 'Everything that was above grade - above the 6th ...

Post Tension Slab