Diskutimi i projektligjit për rregullat dhe procedurat e ndërtimit të kompleksit të ri parlamentar ishte një rast i mirë për disa prej deputetëve të mazhorancës për t'u shfaqur në foltoren e Kuvendit. The draft-law for the rules and procedures that will be established for the construction of the new Parliament building was a good occasion for some Democratic Party MPs to appear on the speech stand. They defended the idea for the construction of the new Parliament building by accusing the opposition of speculating with this issue. MP Enkelejd Alibeaj reminded an old decision of the Parliament, in 2005, saying that the new Parliament building has received the consensus of both political parties then. "Decision nr.66 of 2010 is identical to the decision that was taken by this Parliament on 2005, when this room was led by one left-centered Speaker, Servet Pellumbi. The law passed with 138 votes, by all the MPs of the time. The question is with what will this Parliament be built? Certainly that with public funds. How will it be built? Through public procurement procedures. Where? In the center of Tirana, dear friends, on the site that today we can unfortunately call a damned place. We cannot leave without demolishing a building that has the phantom of the dictator inside", Alibeaj declared. MP Gent Strazimiri was very harsh with the current Mayor of Tirana, Edi Rama, calling him as the curse of the Albanian capital. But not only that. He considers the businesses that have ...
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